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Ending the year with PowerShell: a 2021 retrospective

As most of you have noticed I haven’t blogged for a bit, and that’s because I’ve been trying to enjoy some vacation time. I just can’t let this slip as it’s just one more day until the new year.

I’ve had the most amazing year, even with the pandemic and everyone seemingly losing their minds over everything these days. I’m very thankful for the communities I’m active in and super grateful for the friendships I’ve made. It’s so cool how everything seems to have found it’s place. Let’s put some of this stuff in numbers;

So, show me the numbers!

  • 1 Microsoft MVP Award, that I gained in 2020.
  • 1 Newly released tool that’s FOSS; CIPP for Microsoft365 multitenant management.
  • 2 average blogs a week, a total of 109 so far this year. ?
  • 2 CyberDrain CTF events
  • 4 MSP community and business awards.
  • 6 RMM vendors that are implementing my blogs into their products, and more joining
  • 16 webinars I joined/led and had so much fun with.
  • 20000+ people that watched these webinars.
  • 6592 e-mails from other MSPs, asking for advice, support, or just thank you messages.
  • 1000+ people that have enjoyed one of the CyberDrainCTF events.
  • 500+ MSPs that installed CIPP and are running it currently.
  • 10000+ upvotes on reddit posts relating to MSP stuff ?
  • Almost 7 million downloads of my PowerShell modules on the PowerShell Gallery this year!
  • 3.5+ million unique hits on CyberDrain.com!

And these numbers are so much fun to mention, but so much more has happened, the CyberDrain CTF was a resounding success this year and we’re going to have another one coming in February, where you hopefully all join again to motivate yourself to learn new things and gain those cool prizes and skills.

So what’s next?

Well, I have some time off planned for about 2 more weeks so you’ll all have to miss me for a little while. I will still but blogging but not on my normal schedule of 2 blogs a week. I’m also working hard on my own MSP, and CIPP. CIPP has gotten a large frontend rewrite which will make it so much faster.

We’ve also found more sponsors for CIPP, and are in discussions with multiple parties for maximum sponsors level, which I think we’ll make a decision on in only 2 weeks.

I’m not done blogging by far, and I’m still super excited for what’s to come and the feedback I get from the MSP community is immense. I try to respond to all of your e-mails and messages but don’t always get the chance. I’d like to take this moment to thank you all and hope to see you again next year!

Special end of year thanks

So I’m doing this yearly now, and I think it’s nice to give people an extra bit of thanks of the end of the year. To start, I need to thank my darling wife, and my partners at Lime Networks, as they are the group of people that made everything possible.

Kyle Hanslovan: Thank you so much for motivating me to release CIPP. I think it could still be in the in the general idea phase if it wasn’t for our calls/chats/etc. I’m glad we’re friends.

The reddit r/msp admin team; I’m super glad we’re all on the same team and pushing our community forward.

MSPGeek and MSPRU: Thanks for all community members. I love talking to you all and you make the MSP communities everyone participates in so much fun.

My friends at Datto: Matthe, Stan, Luke, You’re a great group to be working with.

My friends at Ninja; Jonathan, Stephen, and since recently of course Sal; I’m glad you put out so much educational content for us all. Thanks.

and a direct, and very special thanks to the following people, whom I’m able to call my friends and stood by my side for this hectic but fun year; Gavin Stone, Kyle spooner, Mendy, Stan Lee, Maarten, Aleks, Aad, NextGenMSP2.0 and of course everyone else I work closely with. ?

and of course, thank you for reading the blog, enjoying it, and I’ll see you next year!

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