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Tech in 5 minutes: M365 Passwordless Authentication

Tech in 5 minutes is a new video series to help managed services providers, or technology specialists get small digestible bites about new technologies, complex scripts, and solutions you could be implementing in your MSP today. I’m fairly anti-tool culture where MSPs get a different tool for each minor inconvenience and focus just on that tool, so I’ll be focussed on modern technologies in the Microsoft stack, but also will cover other external tools if they make a big difference.

In just about five minutes I’ll try to explain what you can use the technology for, and even include the most basic setup to get it running. I hope you’ll enjoy the video content. In this episode we’re tackling M365 Passwordless Authentication, which allows you to log into M365 services using no password at all. This is a follow up to the many questions I had in reaction on the related blog

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