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The return of CyberDrain CTF

CyberDrain CTF returns! (and so do I!)

It’s been since september that I actually picked up a digital pen equivalent and wrote anything down. This was due to me being busy with life but also my side projects like CIPP. I’m trying to get back into the game of scripting and blogging about these scripts. There’s still so much to automate and so little time, right? ;)

This blog post isn’t about automation yet though - Today I’m proud to announce that the CyberDrainCTF is starting 14th of February. CyberDrainCTF is the only CTF event designed for system administrators and engineers. You can register on this page, or if you need more info, check out the FAQ below. :)

What is a CTF?

A Capture-the-Flag event is (normally) a cybersecurity competition that is designed to teach and test a variety of different computer skills, The CyberDrain CTF differs here because we don’t teach and test security skills, but System Administration and engineering. The goal of a competition like this is to learn, so you’re expected to research and use the internet during the competition to figure out how to solve the challenges.

What is a flag?

The goal of each CTF challenge is to find a “flag,” which is a string of text that you can submit for points. For example, flags can be obtained by fixing a domain controller, resetting a password or otherwise solving a specific challenge. Each challenge will provide you with the information you need to get started.

How can I prepare?

Challenges have all sorts of catagories, Prepare by making sure you have the following: Microsoft365 Business Premium trial An active Microsoft Azure Account A computer capable of running Hyper-V

Help! I can’t solve a challenge!

I’ll be doing a deep dive on challenges on my twitter:@KelvinTegelaar. This might be a challenge you need some help on or don’t exactly understand. You can always ask support but don’t expect direct hints to where the flags are. You can also join the MSPGeek Slack to get help by other players.

and that’s it! As always, Happy PowerShelling

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